Colic! Three great remedies which can help

If you're reading this you may be going through the nightmare of a colicky baby. Your little one crying or screaming, doubled up and red faced. Nothing really works and you're exhausted from rocking and walking around trying to settle your little one, especially as it always seems to happen in the evening or at night. 

I have been there and remember it well even though my children are all school-age now. So here are three remedies which can be a lifesaver: 



Colocynthis is often the first remedy for colic in babies, especially if they are worse in the early morning or the early evening. The classic picture is of a screaming baby doubled up in pain. This is the baby you put over your shoulder or on his/her tummy to soothe him/her. The hard pressure relieves the pain, warmth helps too. The pain is intense. Older children may say it feels like squeezing, twisting or cutting, although children aren't very good at describing pain. Anger or excitement make it worse.



This one is for the baby who is arching his or her back - bending backwards makes it better where as doubling up makes it worse. I remember my youngest doing just that and feeling happy that I knew just the remedy that would help, which it did until the following night. Still at least I could give it again and be ready with it the next night. Oh yes, this one is often worse in the evening and night-time, but so much is. Your baby may also have a rumbly tummy and the pain may move around her / his body.


Mag Phos (Magnesia Phosphate) 

Mag Phos is often known as homeopathic aspirin because it is a great pain killer for all sorts of crampy pain - colic, toothache, growing pains, headaches, period pain, cramp. Your child will be a lot better for heat and pressure - a hot water bottle pressed to the tummy, or wherever the pain is. Bending double helps, as does rubbing - baby massage may come in handy. In contrast to Colocythis, your baby may be a bit irritable, but not angry. S/he may be a bit scared too.

Actually I use Mag Phos a lot - for my kids and for me. It is an amazing pain killer - so much so that it is in my kitchen to hand for any pre- or post- school tummy ache or headache. It is fab for growing pains too. 

Dosage Advice

A pillule is a dose. In homeopathy, it is not the number of pillules taken at a time, but the frequency of taking the remedy which is important. The remedies in this article work well in the 30c potency, which is a medium potency. Homeopathic remedies can be bought from health food shops or from homeopathic supply companies such as Helios or Ainsworth.  

Give one dose as soon as symptoms appear. The symptoms should improve within a few minutes. Once there is an improvement, stop giving the remedy. If the symptoms reappear, repeat the remedy, unless the symptoms have changed.

If nothing changes after giving a dose of the remedy, try repeating the remedy two or three more times over the next half an hour. If there is no improvement after that, try another remedy.  

Please remember that it can be really hard work having a new baby - whether it is your first or your tenth. If you are feeling low, down or that you can't cope, please tell someone. There are lots of baby groups around and these can be a great place to meet other parents and be able to be with other people and to talk. Many parents attend these groups to meet other parents and feel less isolated. It can be difficult to get out of the house when you have a young baby, but it is often worth the effort. Often just being in the fresh air helps and a change of scenery can lift your mood.

If you can't get to any baby groups then GPs, health visitors and midwives will also be able to help or point you to someone who can. Make an appointment or go to a drop in and talk to them.  

I feel pretty strongly about this as I have struggled with parenthood and felt very low after having my second baby. It was my sister who realised how bad I felt and got me some help. I'm really glad she did because I was hiding it from everyone and I was very unhappy and my family were beginning to suffer. I don't know what would have happened if she hadn't stepped in. I still struggle sometimes. But now I have people who I go and talk to and help keep me on track. It really helps. 

Contact me if you would like more information or have any questions,


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